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Achieving Real Estate Success

July 26, 2024

Achieving Real Estate Success

Ryan and Haylie dive into the nitty-gritty of real estate processes. They go over what’s worked in the past, what’s working now, and what will likely work in the future. Check the video here:

Marry the Process, Not the Result

Right now, it’s crucial to fall in love with your processes. You’ve probably heard the cliché, “It’s about the journey, not the destination.” This perfectly applies to real estate processes. It's not the time to reinvent the wheel. Instead, dissect your last 10 or 20 listings. Where did they come from? What relationships brought those sellers to you? Drill down on how you’re staying top of mind with those individuals. Your focus should be on maintaining and nurturing these connections to ensure future success.

Time Blocking for Success in Real Estate

A significant part of any successful process is consistent prospecting. Agents always have two jobs: nurturing existing clients and referral sources, and seeking new business. This is where time blocking becomes essential. Many agents start their day without a clear plan, leading to wasted time. Ryan and Haylie have mastered time blocking, and they know exactly what they’re doing at what time, on which day. This consistent effort over time yields consistent results.

Embrace the Grind to Grow in Real Estate

Right now, the real estate market is tough. Listings aren’t falling into agents' laps. It's a grind, which makes embracing and loving the process even more important. Making outbound calls, sending emails, direct messages—all these touches bring about questions, engagement, and eventually, relationships and deals. Fall in love with the process, and the results will largely take care of themselves. You’ll also have a clear picture of what's working, what’s not, and where to make improvements.

Consistency is Key for Realtor Success

Being consistent is crucial. Agents need to be too busy to worry about market chatter and instead focus on creating their own market. Consistent actions and processes help them stay on track and ahead of the competition. By drilling down and refining their processes, they stay productive and effective, regardless of market conditions.

Gamify Your Process for Realtor Marketing

Once you nail down your processes, make them fun! Gamifying your tasks can make them more enjoyable and less daunting. For example, if you dread making calls or sending emails, turn it into a game. Set small goals and reward yourself for hitting them. This approach can make even the most tedious tasks more manageable and satisfying.

Face Your Fears to Be Successful in Real Estate

Often, the tasks we dread the most are the ones that yield the best results. Whether it's making that difficult call or hosting an open house, pushing through the discomfort can lead to unexpected successes. For instance, Ryan and Haylie had an agent who hated doing open houses. After finally hosting one, she ended up in escrow with a client she met there. This experience completely changed her outlook, and she now schedules multiple open houses each weekend.

Utilize Resources for Realtor Success

Their friend Tristan Ahumada at Lab Coat Agents has an excellent agent schedule template. It includes time for prospecting, pipeline reviews, pop-bys, negotiations, and more. This template can help you organize your day and ensure you’re covering all necessary tasks. Reach out to Tristan or them for this resource—it's a game-changer.

Make It Happen in Real Estate

If it’s not on the calendar, it’s not happening. This simple truth highlights the importance of scheduling your tasks. By placing everything on your calendar, from prospecting calls to client meetings, you ensure that nothing slips through the cracks. This structured approach maximizes your productivity and keeps you on track.

Stay Top of Mind to Find Clients as a Realtor

Ultimately, the goal is to remain top of mind with your clients and referral sources. By refining your processes and staying consistent, you position yourself as the go-to real estate professional when they need assistance. This top-of-mind awareness leads to more referrals and repeat business, which is the name of the game.


Mastering your processes is essential, specially in the San Diego market as it is one of the most competitive markets for realtors in the US. By focusing on what’s worked in the past, adapting to current conditions, and preparing for the future, you set yourself up for success. Remember to fall in love with the process, stay consistent, and utilize resources to streamline your efforts.


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